Santa's Chair

I saw this chair placed in a mall lobby, a common site on malls every holiday season. More likely a "santa" sits here on scheduled shifts to give photo-ops for kids. I remembered the time when I actually believed that the white bearded guy sitting in one of these was actually the man himself. Don't kid yourself, you could relate to it too. You were once a kid like me who were made to believe that somehow, santa could sneak in your house and place gifts at strategic places hidden from site. Nevermind the chimney, I live in the tropics. My dad almost blew his cover one time when my sister asked why Santa’s handwriting on the gift card is the same as my dad’s. Of course he got away with the dumb alibi that it was just coincidence. Oh I miss my dad. Even if he always managed to have Santa give cheap versions of the toy I specifically asked. Nevertheless, it was exactly what I asked for, in an attorney way of saying it.

I wonder how it is nowadays with this Santa thing. A song from a popular band even mentioned that Santa is a hoax. Good thing at the time that song was released, I was already at my teens. What if I was still young and naïve at that time? I’d probably asked some questions. My dad would have panicked a bit to dispel such “rumors”. Needless to say, my folks did a good job. As a child, I was able to experience that magical awe associated with gifts popping out from thin air. The annual anticipation of such a small event was unquestionably one of those good memories that I’ve experienced as a child.

I’ll do my best to do the same with my future kids, hoping they won’t hear that damn song.


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